Design Newspaper

Design Newspaper

Design Newspaper featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


fold to hold

In china, it is common for waiter to take away the finished food in fast food restaurant. However, diner sometimes leave the table temporarily such as going to restroom, and his food make be taken away by waiter. FOLD TO HOLD is a paper tray designed for someone who is having fast food alone. If he wants to leave his seat temporarily, he only needs to rive the paper along the dotted line and fold it up, which can convey the message of “haven’t finished” to hold his food.

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Forest Lodge ECO House

As the surrounding properties reflected the history of the heritage area, this new house on a vacant block, added to that timeline, by not trying to re create the past, but to forge its place in the present showcasing the best of contemporary design ideas. Eco-design principals were used to create intelligent innovative design of which the heat core storage cell was an Australian first. Many of the systems were custom designed and built specifically for this house, providing innovation not yet tested or seen in Australia.

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Pepsi Solar Cart

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Deep consideration on our actual needs was the starting point for the research that led to the definition of an extremely basic eco-friendly chair. As universal as traditional chairs, Less Chair is an anti-diva we may have to look for, but that is never pushy. In Less Chair the inclined converging lines of the legs create an easel that firmly supports the body of the chair seat made even more comfortable by its rounded shapes that are also functional.

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EcoCurve is an intelligent, environmentally friendly hand dryer developed to minimise energy consumption and noise pollution. The super-efficient digital brushless motor dries hands within 11 seconds, equating to a cost saving of 99% compared to paper towels. The patented compression and heat recover system generates warmth without additional heating elements. The intelligent inbuilt energy monitoring systems wirelessly reports to a building management server providing crucial real time information to further minimise consumption and manage energy allocation.

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Parabosol Water Cleaning Unit is developed as an innovative solution towards deep rural water supply for rural communities who suffer from a lack of access to clean water. Parabosol is basically a solar powered water treatment system, a portable water treatment unit which can be setup anywhere in remote areas. This system purifies water by using parabolic mirror which boils water at high temperature, not industrially but individually for the first time.

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Design interview of the day

Read the latest interviews and conversations on design, creativity and innovation between design journalist and world-famous designers, artists and architects. See latest design projects and award-winning designs by famous designers, artists, architects and innovators. Discover new insights on creativity, innovation, arts, design and architecture. Learn about design processes of great designers.

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